- 徐浩,情感互动与自由裁量过程:对应急接警的微观互动研究,[厦门大学公共事务学院,助理教授]
- 付帅泽,公民问责制度影响街头官僚避责行为的机制研究,[北京市社会科学院]
- 杜佳莉 [北京市优秀毕业生、基层就业奖],意义建构视角下110接线员警情研判中的更新行为研究,[河北雄安新区管委会/财政部]
- 朱宪,意义的微妙表达:理解危机批示中的模糊性语言,[加拿大麦吉尔大学管理学院组织研究项目博士在读]
- 武玥,[清华大学优秀毕业论文]叙述未来:专家风险研判中的会话与互动研究,[上海比亚迪有限公司]
- 刘宗青,危机批示中的意义建构:基于眼动的证据,[中关村国家实验室]
- 张超玄著,五年规划中注意力配置研究——以应急体系规划为例,[中共丽水市委组织部]
- 郑吟秋,情境化的涉入:接警员的多活动行为协调与管理,[Disaster Risk Reduction Unit, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris]
- 赵金汭,[学院优秀硕士论文] 专家手势与风险沟通有效性——基于眼动数据的实验,[辽宁省人民政府国有资产监督管理委员会]
- 王紫儒,社会稳定风险第三方评估的现状及挑战——以X项目为例
- 徐古元,金融业个人信息保护问题研究——以隐私政策为例
- 杨洁,基层政府机构改革中组织认同情况研究
- 闫双双,海关留学回国人员购车优惠政策的分析评估与优化
- 周宏宇,高可靠性组织安全运行机制和特点——以国家广播电视总局无线电台管理局为例
- 杨威 [学院优秀硕士论文],农村卡口防疫管控政策执行研究——基于杭州市D镇的观察
- 王颖,金融监管人员职业倦怠产生机理研究
- 庞伟凯,公安派出所所长工作倦怠调查与整合研究——以A省为例
- 王蓝,“自由裁量”视角下教师阅卷偏差行为研究
- 王新天,新疆兵团民兵参加应急救援的调查研究
- 孙成功,地震部门面向公众的应急信息沟通研究-以芦山地震为例
- 左广文,军官转业到警察组织适应性研究——以L省为例
- 李萌,非警务类警情形成原因及减少对策探究
- 高晓东,社区矫正机构工作人员现状及提升研究
- 徐枫琳莉,基于判例分析的我国P2P网络借贷监管问题研究
- 苏梅,突发事件医疗物资储备机制研究 —以新疆药监局为例
- 刘苏东,压力型体制下的乡镇运动式治理问题研究
- 刘瑭,基于诉讼理由的一般生产安全事故调查处理内在问题研究
- 常冬晨,信访工作人员自由裁量行为研究——以北京市D区为例
- 刘梦凡,临时性组织协调机制研究 ——以某抗疫募捐救援小组为例
- 朱林,房屋设施加固长效机制研究——农村地区房屋案例比较分析
- 孟锐[学院优秀硕士论文],北京轨道交通建设“邻避效应”影响因素及其解决路径分析
- 曹佳铉,对于飞行员核心胜任力与人因事件关系的研究-以邮航为例
- 薛冰寒,海关执法矛盾纠纷化解机制研究-以首都机场海关为例
- 孙宝山,海警基层执法人员公共服务动机影响因素研究
- 殷红,企业政策遵从中的风险认知和执行群体配合-以防爆电气设备管理为例
- 史云飞[学院优秀硕士论文],中国消防基层指挥员应对突发灾情的初期决策研究
- 关耀基,深化应急管理信息化的研究 - 以台风山竹为例
- Wilfred Stanley Madinda(Tanzania, 坦桑尼亚),Exploring Unintended Consequences of Performance Management System Reforms in Tanzania: a Case Study of Presidents Office
- Toto Micheline Birori(Rwanda, 卢旺达),The Impact of Rwanda Public Sector Pay and Retention Policy on Employee Retention
- Gladys Kally(Ghana, 加纳),Job Satisfaction among Ghanaian Public Health Workers:A Comparative Case Study of Pantang Hospital & Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital in the Greater Accra Region
- Peter Donkor Wujakpa(Ghana, 加纳),Key Factors Influencing the Adoption of E-Government Procurement System in Ghana: a Case Study Ministry of Finance
- Samon Thorng(Cambodia, 柬埔寨),High School Students’ Attitude toward Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Cambodia
- Patrick Zacharia Riruyo(South Sudan, 南苏丹),Protecting Internally Displaced People by the United Nations Mission in South Sudan: Progress and Challenges
- Benjamin Umbagbia Ndikiri(South Sudan, 南苏丹),The Effectiveness of Foreign Aid in Facilitating Human Development: a Case Study of the Education Sector in South Sudan
- Ahmad Bayiz Ahmad(Iraq,伊拉克),Examining the Relationship between Public Servants’ Change-Supportive Intentions and Their Change-Supportive Behaviors in Times of Organizational Change: the Case of Public Schools in Kurdistan Region of Iraq
- Sahr John Panda(Sierra Leone,塞拉利昂),Disaster Management in Sierra Leone: a Comparative Study of the Ebola Virus Outbreak and the Mudslide Crisis in Freetown
- Imran(Pakistan,巴基斯坦), [清华大学优秀毕业论文、清华大学优秀硕士毕业生],Cybercrime and its Impact on Customer Trust: a Perspective of Pakistan’s Banking Sector
- Huon Rattanak(Cambodia,柬埔寨),Exploring the Impact of Incentives to Employee’s Performance in Cambodia Public Organizations
- Upendo Amanda Prosper(Tanzania,坦桑尼亚),Evaluating the effectiveness of performance appraisal system in the Public Higher Learning Institutions in Tanzania
- Pitso Edward Tsenase(Lesotho,莱索托),Research on impact of Performance Management System on Public Policy Implementation
- Nyasha Levenia Chitsa(Zimbabwe,津巴布韦),Challenges faced by Public Service Officials on service delivery in the face of Covid 19 pandemic: A Case Study of Filabusi Government Offices
- Gulfraz Ahmed Khan(Pakistan,巴基斯坦)Critical Analysis of Performance Management in Public Sector: A Case of the Civil Service of Azad Jammu and Kashmir
- Tadele Mamuye Mengesha (埃塞俄比亚) Assessing the Training and Development Practices and Challenges: The case of Ethiopian Investment Commission
- Ly Bora(柬埔寨)Identifying the relationship between public service motivation (PSM), public value (PV), and organizational commitment(OC)-an empirical study on local government in Cambodia
- Nakandha Peruth(乌干达)Impacts of Local Government Councils On Health Service Delivery: A Case Study of Bugweri Local Government, Uganda
- Liska Dharma Kusuma(印度尼西亚)Research on Values Congruence, Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB), and Employees Turnover Intention in ‘Corporate Philanthropy’ in Indonesia
- Shermaine Shanna-Kay Hassock(Jamaica,牙买加),Does Client Characteristics Matter in Police Officers’ Discretion? A Behavioral Experimental Study in Jamaica
- Pratiwi Nasyanti(Indonesia,印度尼西亚):Exploring Crisis Leadership in Crisis Management based on the Directorate General of Immigration’s Foreigners Travel Restriction: facing public objections to the new policy during the unpredicted time
- Alexandre Gosselin(Canada,加拿大),Higher Education in Emergencies: Innovation and Disruptive Teaching Methods - The Case of the Uvumbuzi Tech Challenge of InZone, Kakuma
- Inge Baak(The Netherlands, 荷兰)[学院优秀硕士论文]:Ukrainian Women Refugees in the Netherlands: Experiences and Challenges
- 向澳,新冠疫情期间武汉防控举措短视频传播效果研究
- 李朵,政策工具视角下新冠疫情中餐饮复工的政策分析
- 郭君 [获中国博士后科学基金第12批特别资助],视频类社交媒体危机信息的传播研究——以地震和台风灾害的微博数据为例,[暨南大学公共管理学院/应急管理学院,讲师]
- 孙磊(与薛澜联合指导)[中期考核&出站考核优秀],我国卫生健康系统干部队伍新发传染病认知特点与风险研判能力提升需求分析—一项基于我国五省问卷调查数据的研究,[复旦大学国际关系与公共事务学院,青年副研究员]
- 高娜,社区风险治理中的网格员风险感知与风险排查行为,[国家卫生健康委干部培训中心(党校),助理研究员]
- 朱黎黎,面向风险研判的接警互动研究,[中国农业大学人文与发展学院,讲师]
- 向天怡,美国亚利桑那州立大学博士生