首页    学术成果    吕孝礼《危机中的不确定性管理:探索组织制度化对其意义建构的影响》


2017年11月9日,吕孝礼副教授个人英文专著《危机中的不确定性管理:探索组织制度化对其意义建构的影响》(Managing uncertainty in crisis: exploring the impact of institutionalization on organizational sensemaking)的电子版在Springer出版发行。

该专著是基于吕孝礼副教授的博士论文形成,共包括8个章节,主要关注公共组织在危机状态下应对深度不确定性问题,并回答为什么一些组织在危机应对中更多依赖惯例来应对不确定性而另一些组织更多通过具体情况具体分析来应对不确定性这一研究问题。为回答这一问题,该专著创造性的整合了Karl Weick的意义建构(Sensemaking)理论和PhilipSelznick的经典制度主义理论(Classical Institutional Theory),构建了新的解释框架。实证案例来自美国四次巨灾中的四个制度化程度不同的组织。在每个案例中分别梳理了所选组织在各自灾害应对中面临的不确定性情景及该情景所采取的意义建构策略。比较案例研究发现组织在应对不确定性时策略选择的三种粘滞性效应两种策略选择的转变模式,并阐明制度化程度所起的作用。










“Why do some crisis managers rely on routines, whereas others make things happen on the fly? Xiaoli Lu combines classic insights of Philip Selznick and Karl Weick in a highly innovative way to answer this question. This book bridges the gap between institutional thinking and crisis management theorizing. A major step forward in the world of crisis management studies!”

—Professor Arjen Boin, Leiden University, the Netherlands


“In this carefully crafted book, Prof. Xiaoli Lu examines the institutional level of sensemaking in crisis situations. Building on the seminal work of Karl Weick and other theorists who focus on sensemaking in individual decision-making processes, Prof. Lu extends this concept to the organizational level to examine how large, complex organizations develop different strategies of coping with uncertainty in crisis situations. He uses the analytical technique of process tracing to identify decisions made in four large U.S. organizations confronting high uncertainty to illustrate the critical transition from individual to organizational sensemaking, and the consequences that follow when this transition is missed. In a world of increasingly complex, sociotechnical systems interacting in risk environments, Prof. Lu’s analysis of how organizations manage uncertainty is both timely and profound.”

—Professor Louise K. Comfort, Director, Center for Disaster Management, University of Pittsburgh, USA


“In his new book, Managing Uncertainty in Crisis, Prof. Xiaoli Lu thoughtfully grapples with a fundamental problem of crisis response: comprehending rapidly changing conditions amidst confusing, incomplete, often conflicting bits of information and misinformation. These have to be put together, assessed, and interpreted in order to achieve situational awareness and frame appropriate response actions. How do organizations with different degrees of internal and external institutionalization manage the profound uncertainties of crisis conditions? Professor Lu proposes a contextually sensitive model of organizational sensemaking and then uses this model to analyze four case studies. Acutely integrating theory and empirical evidence from his four cases studies, Prof. Lu greatly enhances our understanding of how organizations cope with uncertainty and make sense of their challenges under the pressures of catastrophe.”

—Dr. Arnold M. Howitt, Faculty Co-Director, Program on Crisis Leadership, Harvard Kennedy School, USA


“The concept of sensemaking has become increasingly important in crisis and disaster management. Managing Uncertainty in Crisis is an important contribution to sensemaking which has become not only a theory in crisis management but also a key concept around which research and practice are conducted. This book is an essential reading for those who new to the field of crisis management and sensemaking as well as experienced researchers and practitioners with leadership responsibilities.”

—Professor Naim Kapucu, Director of School of Public Administration, University of Central Florida, USA


“This manuscript compares the dynamics of organizational sensemaking in four major crises in the USA. The analysis results in a generic institutional sensemaking model for analyzing and managing hazards, disasters, and crisis worldwide. An important and inspiring contribution to the theory and practice of crisis management.”

—Professor Joop Koppenjan, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands


“This book has done an excellent job in opening the black box of how organizations make sense of the crisis situation they face and develop strategies to respond. The nuanced analysis of the four major crises is fascinating, and the theory of institutional sensemaking built on this analysis is illuminating and pathbreaking. It is a major contribution to the field of crisis management and should be read by all of us who wish for a peaceful and safe world.”


—Professor Lan Xue, Dean of School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University, China




创建时间:2019-05-14 09:16